Monday, October 22, 2012

Food & Enviroment

The reason they left food and enviroment out was because no one new of global warming, and food shortages in africa were simply irrelavant. The near irradication of an entire people almost took place, and that was the fear that remained most present at the conversation table for human rights. Examples of why Enviroment was left out, was because of all the new developments happening in the world, as well as arms races like the cold war were manufacturing was huge and enviroment was not. As for food shortage, no textbook or website even mentions a food crisis in the 1950's outside of Europe or America. Because places like Africa were not a place of relavance in the cold war. This is why Food and Enviroment were left out.

Food and Enviroment

My feeling why the U.N. left food and enviroment out during the declaration is right after world war two there wasn't any worries about food shortages or enviroment problems like global warming.The U.N. was more worried and focused about making so no more genocides happen again. Food and enviroment have become bigger problems in life now compared to after world war two, when people used to run leaded gasoline into the air and when there was a abundant source of food. My point is that food and enviroment have become bigger problems now compared to back then.
Food and Environment, the most Essential part of a human life. With Environment comes everything like food, water, and clean air. without any of those consider humans dead. Why the United Nations managed to leave these two very important securities out is still under investigation, and i have no explanation for why the United Nations left out these two very important securities. My only guess would be that the United Nations found that the other securities are more important, Leading up to the basics that could be considered Food and Environment. Food and Environment could be considered the most essential part of life and should be one of the biggest securities that the United Nations should follow.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why they were left out

The reason why i think that enviorment and food were left out was because when the UN was formed the world was just getting over WWII and the holocaust and that time they were not the biggest concern to people at that time.

Why Food and Environment were left out.

The securities for Food and Environment are explained as food, water, and air. Everyone in the world, no matter who you are needs food, water, and air to live. With out it you will have no nourishment and life. The UN didn't put it in because out of every written security Food and Environment are the most straight forward. There is access to food, air and water almost everywhere in the world.

why UN left out Food and Environment

The United Nations published The Declaration of Human Rights which consisted of 30 articles; the articles corresponded to the 7 human securities’ that protect everyone in the world. The U.N. left out food and environmental security. I believe they left of these two security’s because the other 5 security’s make food and environmental security essentials to everyday life. If all the other securities are protected then there should be no problem for one individual to get food and live in a safe environment. 

The left out securities

The UN left food and environment because these securities are essential to life. Without these securities everybody would be dead. There is no need to mention these because they are already common sense for everybody to know. The other securities need to be said because without mentioning them some of the securities would be ignored.

My guess

My guess why the government did not mention food or the environment is because it wasn't as big of an issue back when the UN was formed. The United States was recovering from a massive genocide. After a genocide so horrific I don't think food was a priority.

the un left out environment because

During the time the declaration of human rights was written the world was much different than it is today. It was written after world war 2 and the set of problems that they had at that time are different than the ones that we have today. in the 1940's the environment was not on the top of the list of priorities, they were more focused on not having any more genocides. Global warming has to do with the environment,and global warming has only just become a serious issue recently. They also didn't put any rights to the environment because it is not a person, if they were to write something to protect the environment it would have to be a law against doing something, not a right that someone would have.

My Guess

It doesn't cost money to let people speak their mind, follow their own religion, or to let them move. It does cost money for governments to buy the food and distribute it with little to no recompense. It costs the government money to build water filtration plants, water ways and clean energy generators. Not to mention how expensive it is.

enviornment and food

The United Nations did not put anything that relates to the enviornment and food in the Human Right's, because it's common sense. Everyone knows that they're entitled to the right of food and the enviornment because we breathe. Air is free you dont need to put that in the 30 rights that everyone has, because the people already know this. Food is essencal for humans to live, you need it and everybody knows that or everyone would be dead.

Human Rights

I believe that the UN left food and environment out of the 30 articles of Human Rights because food is mentioned in another article and if all the other articles are being followed and not abused, people should have access to food and be able to have enough food. Environment was left out because there is really nothing you can say in an article about environment, or how it would apply to Human Rights.

Friday, October 19, 2012

reasons UN left out food and environment

the reasons that the UN left out food and environment is because the 7 human rights that they give you allow you to have the power to get your own food and to take the control into your  hands with your environment.

Hunters reason for leaving out food and environment

The reason that i believe the U.N would leave out food in the 30 rights is because if you are getting all these rights and there is no issue with them then you should be able to get the food you need to live. The environment i can see being left out because if you get all those other rights you should be able to move with your family to a location that fits your families needs to live a happy and healthy life.

the missing articles

The reason the UN left food and environment out of the article was that they couldnt think of what the important facts were, or they just didnt think it was that important to anyone, because some people are too ignorant to listen

Friday, October 12, 2012


I think the most important human security is personal, becuase if someone was to be in harm of something they have the other securities to lean on. also without personal security you would not be safe, and in order to live in a safe enviorment you need to worry about what is around you, like food water etc. Normally when other securites are in trouble or effected by something other secuirtes get involved. Personal security is like in the middle of the circle and everything else relies on it

The most important security

i think that the most important security is personal because every person has a right to be safe. You shouldnt have to worry about being safe because it should be automatic, and you shouldnt have someone control you and what you do, you should be able to control yourself.

Most important security

I believe that personal security is the most important security. This is because if one does not have the ability to be free from physical harm then all of the other securities can be forgotten about. You need to be safe in order to worry about your water or food or making money or religion. Usually when a bad NGO tries to take away another security like food or water or economy or religion they usually do it by threatening and killing which is personal security. Whenever another security is affected personal security is usually involved.

Most important security

I think that the most important security is food, because it is killing 13 million people. We know that the human body can't last more than 3 days. It's a big problem and I think that is the most important security among the other six securities. Even though the other six have more long term effects, food can be the fastest killer.

Homework 10/11

I think the most important security is personal security. Everyone should be entitled to have control over themselves and not have to be ruled over and told what to do. Today in certain places that security is being taken away with the growing sex slave market. If it wasn't the most important I don't feel that we would have dedicated our time into a project to help sex slaves get back that security.
Personal Security
I think personal security is the most important out of the 7 securities. You own yourself, no one should have total control over you but yourself. But there are places, like Cuba, with goverments, like Communism, that think that they control their people. People shouldn't have to worry about somebody else, even their own government, controlling them. In some of these countries where the people are controlled by their government, the people are like the puppets of the government officials. It's as if their government is the "master of puppets." Every individual person should be their own master, and choose how they want to live their life, not anybody else, and certainly not their government.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/11 hw

The most important human security is economic security. Like I said in class a financial crisis is the worst thing that can happen to a single country, and when it happens to one country it very quickly spreads. The countries in the world thrive off each other in one way or another so when one country to falls into a depression it very quickly turns into a global issue. Human trafficking is possibly the worst thing in the world because every single citizen living on this planet should have the right to live with equal rights that are protected by the government they live under. Human trafficking is caused by economic instability within a country. Economic security affects every other human security because poverty is the root of everything that is wrong in this world that is dominated by money!

most important security

Features that fit the health criteria are things that support life function. The basics of needs of a body include oxygen, water, and food. An extended list includes nurture(healing illness), shelter, cleanliness and protection from physical harm. The basics are for minimum life support while the extended list is for longevity. Personal, Environmental, Food, and even the Financial securities all support the Health security. Health doesn't and shouldn't just cover healthcare and the curing/containing of illnesses. A goal we all can agree on is that we want people live and not just until their 20's, longevity is the goal of the Health security. Longevity should be valued thus the Health security is the most important and it includes/is related to many other securities.

Human securities

I believe that all of the seven major securities are very important. In my opinion the most important one would be the Food security. Without food or water there is no way to live. I believe you can live only two days without water and about two weeks without food. There is very little time to help this problem because people will die very quickly without this. No food violates many other human securities as well including health, environmental and personal. It violates health because the people will die without food. Environmental because there is no clean water. Personal because if there is no food there is no way to stay alive.

Human Security

In my opinion Food is the most important. Without food or water people simply cannot survive. This problem also affects 13 million people, which is more than environmental, health, and economic combined.


      I don't believe that there is a more important human securities. All 7 Securities are extremely important for survival or else they wouldn't be a security. However if I had to choose in my opinion which human security would impact us the most without having it I would have to say food and including water. Personal security is important because we need to feel safe and comfortable. That doesn't mean that everyone in this world does feel safe and comfortable and some are dying because of it and some aren't. Environmental is also important because it;s what we live in but some people unfortunately live in an unsafe and unhealthy and environment. Some may die because of this and others will survive; However one can not survive with out eating food or whatever in their lifetime.
it's essential for the body to have food to carry on and to be hydrated from whiter.  Without it the other securities wouldn't matter because everyone would be dead from starvation and dehydration. One of the most leading fundraising topics in the country and world are food drives and food stamps etc. To provide those who don't have an easy access to food to keep them selves healthy. People can survive being poor and other things as well but no one is powerful enough to live with out this human security.

Human Securities

The most important human security is personal security. Everyone should be able to feel safe and sound where ever they are. Personal security means that everyone should be safe from violence and threats. Once you are safe from any harm or violence or threats, you are able to help anyone else who needs help. Security overall is important but being specific, with personal security is even more important. Without personal security, community security and health security wouldn't be possible to a person. If someone were in harms way, they wouldn't be able to take care of themselves or be able to practice what ever they wanted.

most important human security

Everyone likes to be safe and sound, no one likes to live super dangerous. To me the most important human security is "personal security". Without personal security we would live life in constant danger, with each passing day there is always that chance of someones personal security being violated. There is a numerous amount of ways that someones personal security can be violated. When someones personal security is violated it can usually escalate to more than one person, and then eventually it ends up effecting all of the human securities over time. With each human security the is violated the person ends up having a rough life if even living. Although it can be argued that Environmental or Food security are the most important, without personal security we as human beings would be no where, and we would all be living life in constant fear and danger.

Human Security

Human security

I believe that environmental security is the most important security. Due to the fact that if we did not take care of our environment we would not have any resources, or even worse we would not have a world to live in. Even if we did not have all of the rights that we have today it would still be better to be living or have resources to survive. If we did not have this security in act today think of how much more pollution there would be in the world power plants would go with the cheapest fuel to power there plants and the same thing goes for the auto industry. Paint factory would still be using lead paint and dumping millions of gallons into the land and the ocean around the world. Not to mention the affects that the pollution in the air and water, land would lead to more birth defects and cancer, and other problems. This is why I think this is the most important security out of the seven.  


The most important Human Security is Personal Security. Everyone should have Personal Security, children, women, and men. Absolutely no one should own you, you should own yourself and not be a slave to anyone. Human Securities are broken everyday by Human Trafficking which is a crime against Humanity and is highly illegal in every part of the world. Persons of every age, color and race should not have their rights taken away from them; they have a right to freedom of speech, and freedom to themselves. Personal security is the most important Human Security that is broken all day, every day, around the whole entire world.

most important security

The most important security to me is the personal security. The reason i chose personal security is because it keeps you safe from abuse and other kinds of attacks, and with that you cant build yourself to become a strong independent person, and it also benefits in a larger scale with helping other people when you become a stronger person
the security i think is more important is health, because it takes care of people who are sick or dying, it's cheap enough to afford, and the hospitals would need plenty of meds and cures to help everyone so they dont all die at once.

most important of the 7 human securities

Each of the 7 human securities are necessary and important for people to live a free life around the world. However, I feel that the most important human security is food/water. The 2 most vital things needed to support human life are food and water. In certain places in the world,  hunger is missing from the list of 7 human securities, and it is important to restore it in order to save millions of lives.

Most Important Human Security

The most important Human Security by far would have to be economical security. not only for the reason that it is one of the largest support systems of every country but because when  the economic security is compromised all of the other securities are compromised with it.
Such as: Economic Security would affect Health Security because people wouldn't be able to afford to keep up with health regulations and it would be a lot harder for people to be able to afford health care.
Economic Security would affect food security because it would be a lot harder for people to be able to afford the food that they need to sustain everyday life. Not only that but lack of money would make trading harder which would ultimatley affect our trading system. If our trading system was compromised we would also lose a lot of the items we frequently use every day.
Economic Security would affect personal security the most because people wouldn't be able to afford the most basic needs such as food, clean water,  and shelter. Nobody can live a life where their basic needs aren't being met.
One of the most important Securities that the Economy would affect is Environmental Security because the countries would be at a shortage of money they wouldn't have the money to grow food, clean up the trash that people leave around. Overall there would not be enough money to keep everything clean.
Lastly community security would be compromised. There just wouldn't be enough money in the system for people to use churches and practice their religeons. Everyone hs a right to practice religeon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Positives and Negatives of yesterdays debate
I think both sides had rally good arguments and good information to back them up. We seemed organized most of the time. Throughout both arguments people were paying attention and writing down notes for their sides rebuttal and using the other presenters information and argument in theirs as well. I think we could have done better though. Some people presenting seemed nervous and you could tell. Even though some people were organized other people were not. As a class we still need to work on public speaking and not letting our nerves get to us but i think by the end of the year we will all be pver those fears. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pros and Cons

I like the way that our group introduced our topic by including the other side, it draws them right of the bat. The things within our group that went well during our presentation were that, we were well organized, and that everyone contributed in their own way. With everyone doing their job on our side of the project, they made it very easy to present and back up. Things that we could've done better within our group was very minor things such as; practiced our lines that we said when we spoke, and we could've improved on defining more positives of globalization instead of only defining a couple and backing them up. The last thing that my group and I can work on next time is making our presentation longer with more information and backup thoughts, and quotes that show how globalization is positive. Overall my group presented very well. 
Positives and Negatives of the Debate
Looking back at the debate today about whether globalization is positive or negative, it felt really good, but also there were some things that my group can work on more to make sure we do an even better job next time around. What we did really well was how we, as the four individual speakers, delivered our information to the rest of the class. I felt there was a great flow and that our part of the debate was really solid and had good structure. What I feel that we can all improve on for an even more solid debate is that we can manage our time more so that we can figure out what we’re going to say and how much time we have to say everything, that way we know how much information to put in our individual portions of the debate and how to effectively present our information to the class in a specific set time in our mind, and say only the important things that answer the question we were given. Other than that, I praise my group for a heck of an awesome job on the debate. I felt we did really well and that our structure of what we said was really strong.

Positive and Negatives

In the Debate overall my group did a pretty good job. Liam took a leadership role and made sure that everyone was on task and doing what they were supposed to. Ella also made sure that the research and tasks were evenly distributed so that one person wasn't doing all the work. This made research easier because everyone had their own piece to contribute. What we could have improved on, is to use the Facebook group better and more for information. The Facebook group wasn't really organized so it was hard for the presenters to find the information that they needed. The presentation itself went really well, all the information was there but the presenters did a lot of repeating the same things they said. If the whole group had come together to better organize what everyone would say it would have gone a lot smoother than it did. Overall though I thought my group did a really good job. All the information was straight to the point and answered all the questions on the paper!

what we couldve improved on in our debate .positive

our group couldve prepared better, we shouldve taken more time this weekend to talk with eachother rather than doing it last minute on facebook last nite. people got work in late and we couldve put it all together and had made it sound better against the group and had researched more information to be prepared to what they were going against towards us. our presenters in our group did great job presenting i think, they looked at their audience not their papers. But we couldve also had everyone do a little more research for the project because we didnt run through all of our time. if we had additional research we couldve made our time, or the presenters shouldnt of rushed through the debate. Overall i thought the debate was helpful because yet again we learned more about globilization

Negative Group

I think our group did a very well job on the debating part itself. We were able to respond to almost all the points the other side had with actual facts and not just made up stuff that came to the top of our heads. We also did a good job researching both sides to the debate preparing ourselves for what the other team had to say. Having the quotes also made it better to our argument that it wasn't just us who thought it was negative or positive. I thought we could have done a better job at communicating around the same time instead of so randomly this weekend. However the Facebook group was very helpful and a good way to organize all of our information. Our presentation may have been a bit short due to the rapid pace we went through but we had a lot of information and tried to get as much of it out as possible before we thought the time would run out.

Debate overview

In the debate I think that we had good organization during research. Everybody had a task to do and I think that everybody accomplished it. There wasnt anybody that was doing nothing in the group which I thought was good compared to other projects. Somethings I think we could of worked on was getting all parts done before the night before. I wish that all of us would have got it done done Friday, but it wasn't that bad because we set up a group on facebook group. One other thing we could have done to improve the group was to practice speaking in front of the group, I felt we were nervous and were speaking very fast, but overall I think we did well and hope to see more projects in the future.

Pro con of my group

The speakers of my group talked a bit too fast at times. I wish we could have avoided using "like", "and stuff", and "things" a bit less. Maybe even cut down on the "um" a bit even though I don't think I would be able to. This is just my perspective as a listener. I like the information we talked about. I also really liked our rebuttal, but not so much the end which seemed rushed and out of context. I think the information covered couldn't have been better. They covered everything I could have thought of and then some.
for the history debate, i thought my group used their time wisely and had good eye contact. what they could have improved on was talking a little slower to not have extra time on nothing. they were very organized and well prepaired. even though spirit week was in the way, the presenters could have dressed more nicely. the negative group could have avoided agreeing with us on parts of how positive globalization was. our group did well trying to argue with the others on how they could have been wrong. we could have tryed to find better info to prove them wrong, because they made some sence in what they covered. the presentation particapation was very good everyone where they needed to be and there was very little to no people talking when the presenters were up talking. everyone looked like they knew what they were talking about and they all looked confident in their words.

The negatives!

Today my class conducted a debate about the positive and negative effects of globalization. I was on the side that defended the fact that the negative effects of globalization had a greater overall affect on the world then the positive effects of globalization. My group did an adequate job defending our side; I feel that the presenters for my group did a good job presenting the materials that we compiled. The overall feeling was that not all the presenters were not totally confident in the material. The presentation could have been longer but I feel that we used the time efficiently, my group was right at like 10 minutes and it would have been really hard to make it all the way to 15 minutes. For everything that the other group stated I think we countered the statement well. For example the other group mentioned how globalization created jobs, now that statement is true but it often creates low paying jobs in bad working conditions which turn out to be a negative effect of globalization. For every positive there are 1 or more negatives!

hunters good/bad globalization

With our group we brought in all the ideas that were positive and negative which allowed everyone to know all the different kinds’ globalization affects which was a good thing that we did to show how many good effects had more negative affects to come along with those. This made our point effective to show that globalization is doing more harm than good with the people in all third world countries and shows that first world countries get better out comes from the effects of globalization. The main thing that we could have worked on as a group is our presentation. We brought up good points to showing why globalization is negative but we weren't fluent or in order with are speech because of lack of practice. We could have gone over what points we connected and explain them further. In the conclusion we could have explained the main points more in-depth to close up a strong argument.


positve and negitive 10-9-12

My group did a good job. I think that we could have improved by talking more about how if there where to ever be a natural disaster or war  anywhere in the world that we get lots of goods from like China or Japan that we would be cut off. If it were to be a war we would struggle to get material and good and supplies.  Also getting together out of school to practice everything would have make things go a lot smoother and made people more comfortable. Because of the way that our group put the material together some of the presenters were seeing what they had to read for the first time in class today which does not make for a good presentation. Positive was that the material that we said was very important and relevant to today and also talked about the future.

globalization presentation good and bad

what we did good and what we could have done better. i felt that our group was quite nolageable on the subject at hand. but just knowing the subject and many important facts does not instantly make a good presentation. our group need to do a better job on the presentation of our facts. me for the rebut, i thought i had good facts and ideas but did not do too great of a job getting the pionts across.i thought we did great as a team to prepare for this project by making a facebook group and we all did very well putting our ideas together outside of school. we did good working together as team and bringing everyone together even if some people wernt talking or presenting they still were recearching and gettign the information to the people that needed it. our group was strong and confident in our informtion when we were taking but could have presented the info a bit better.

The negative of our group

In our group we pointed out many of the points that we disagreed with in the rebuttal. In my opinion we should have stated that even though foreign wages are low they still help the third world countries. Without the jobs we are supplying them with they would not have a job. The money they are getting is the wages of the countries so they are still getting payed. The jobs give them a chance to make money and help the economy of the other countries. I think we should have argued this fact a lot more then we did because this is a big benefit of globalization that everybody over looks. Everybody looks at the negative effects of foreign labor but not many people will ever realize that the labor does help other countries and the people who are working in those jobs. We did a good job proving our point over all but we did leave out some important factors.

What we could of done better

I felt there were many points left unmentioned like the job rate. I also feel that we didn't mention all the points I also felt felt we didn't mention the definition of globalization well enough. I also feel that we did not mention that some general factors that lead to global issues. I also felt we didn't mention how most of the stuff we have today actually pollutes the Earth. I also felt the presentation was unrehearsed because every other word I felt was "um". I think our group did very well besides the things we did not mention. I also feel that some of our rebuttals were to gental. I feel we should of attacked what they got wrong, to really make our point stand out. I also feel like we could have met outside of school so we could make sure it was closer to 15 minutes then it actually was when we presented it.

The day Batman visited MERHS

Today during the debate I was part of the group arguing that globalization is positive, which it is. Without globalization the world wouldn’t turn. In my opinion my group did pretty well, although we could have looked a little more professional, it was in fact twin day at school and the costumes were necessary. I felt my group did well because we actually prepared outside of school, and to me that made the presentation flow. Although we had a mix up for the speakers, someone stepped up and managed to fit in nicely. A couple of things we could have done better is that we could have tried to talk a little longer. I feel like we tried to rush things and made it just around 10 minutes when it should have been 15, with that being said, another thing is I wish the other members would send their work a little earlier, which would make everything better due to earlier organization.  

What we did well/ what we could have done better

What we did well and what we could have done better

My group all worked well together in class and all knew what we were talking about. We had good notes written out and had good talking points. We wrote out how much time everyone was going to talk and made sure we had enough information to fill up that time. There were a few things we could have done different or better. Not everyone did there work or did the right amount of research. Some people disagreed with the ideas that other people in the group had and we weren't very productive at those moments. We said a lot of the same things, and repeated ourselves. Although we repeated ourselves, our rebuttal was very well said and wasn't negative towards the group saying that globalization is negative.

Globalization Debate

Overall our group did a great job. We had very good information and we supported our argument. I think we covered all areas and did not repeat our selves, and made it clear that what we were talking about related with how Globalization was negative. Something that we could have worked on was preparation. Even though we had plenty of time in class to work on our argument and bring together many ideas, I think it would have been better if we maybe all met after school on a day where we could go over everything so it was a clear presentation. I think making the group on facebook was a great way of organizing our thoughts and ideas. If we had talked for a little longer on our key points and supported each other on our ideas we would have had made the 15 time limit. But doing this debate helped many of us realize what we are actually talking about and it made it more clearly too how Globalization can be negative and positive.

what we could have done better in our group

I think that our group did a very good with all our communication, we made a facebook group chat which we had added everyone in our group to it, this made it easy to communicate with one another because every one checks there facebook at least once a day. What we did was very good because we made a list of what each person in our group would research and then we would send that info to the person that was presenting that part. One thing we could have done better was maybe have come up with more points for why globalization was both negative and positive. We mainly focus on the positives but if we had maybe searched for more reasons why it is both negative and positive it could have maybe gave us a better understanding of all the positives of globalization. Overall I feel our group did a pretty good job in breaking up the project into sections for everyone to be a part of the group and with communication.    

Monday, September 24, 2012

Globalization Journal

On Wednesday I came across 6 positive forms of Globalization and three negative forms. On Thursday I encountered 1 negative aspect of Globalization and 7 positive. On Friday I saw 2 negatives of Globalization and 8 positives. On Saturday I came across 3 negatives and 5 positives. On Sunday I saw 1 negative and 7 positives of Globalization.
Tyler Coggeshall

September 20

  • laptop-china
  • talked to Australians
  • map
  • nike
  • hair product made in china
  • blanket made in Twain
  • sweatshirt made in pakistan
  • sweater made in afghanistan
September 21
  • make up made in italy
  • perfume made in london
  • shoes made in china
  • earrings made in sweden
  • history class
  • vikkis sweatshirt made in pakistan
  • nike running shorts
September 22
  • sweatshirt made in Honduras 
  • shirt made in mexico
  • shoes made in china
  • lunch box made in syria
  • talked to my uncle
  • news
  • history homework
September 23
  • camera made in china
  • hat made in italy
  • english homework
  • camera batteries made in china
  • Chinese food 
  • photo on pintrest taken in Japan

globalization bullets

1.) Colored pencils made in costa rica
2.) shirt china
3.) hand lotion china
4.) nike shoes china
5.) timberlands china
6.) shampoo china
7.) candle india
8.) cup china
9.) pencil holder india
10.) pack of pens china
11.) work out supplements japan
12.) nike sweatpants vietnam
13.) old navy shirt el salvador
14.) pj's china
15.) socks china
16.) face cloth china
17.) nike sweatshirt vietnam
18.) wallet china
19.) poster china
20.) nike shirt vietnam
21.) shirt china
22.) pants china
23.) pack of pencils vietnam
24.) iphone china
25.) notebook china
26.) shampoo vietnam
27.) tattoo artist talked about global problems
28.) socks china
29.) research on human trafficking
30.) spanish music
31.) diversity in community (beverly)
32.) umemployment
33.) poverty
34.) drug dealing (roxbury)
35.) nelgect (boston)
36.) accepting other cultures
37.) talking about problems india
38.) homeless
39.) natural disasters
40.) talked to austrailian about there #1 sport

global items

9/19 3 positive 0 negative 9/20 5 positive 4 negative 9/21 6 positive 4 negative 9/22 7 positive 3 negative 9/23 8 positive 2 negative

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Daily Globalization

W: 14
T: 12
F: 15
Sat: 12
Sun: 11
10 encounters
7 (-)
3 (+)
11 encounters
6 (-)
5 (+)
9 encounters
4 (-)
13 encounters
9 (-)
4 (+)
12 encounters
5 (-)
7 (+)

Globalization Journal

Wed. 4 encounters 4 positive
Thursday 10 encounters 4 negative 6 positive
Friday 8 encounters 5 positive 2 negative 1 unsure
Saturday 11 encounters 6 positive 5 negative
Sunday 6 encounters 4 positive 2 negitive

4 encounters
3 positive
1 negative


11 encounters
5 positive
6 negative


12 encounters
4 Positive
8 Negative


10 encounters
7 Positive
3 Negative


15 encounters
6 Positive
9 Negative

Globalization Journal

Seanna Walsh

11 encounters
7 Positive
4 Negative

10 encounters
4 Positive
6 Negative

10 encounters
2 Positive
8 Negative

11 encounters
8 Positive
3 Negative

10 encounters
3 Positive
7 Negative


Wednesday- 3 negative

Thursday- 3 positive, 7. Negative

Friday- 2 positive, 8 negative

Saturday- 2 positive, 8 negative

Sunday- 2 positive, 9 negative

positive and negatives

wednesday- 6 positive & 4 maybe's
Thursday- 3 negatives & 2 maybe's & 4 positive
friday- 7 positive & 4 negatives
saturday- 4 maybe's & 5 positives & 2 negatives
sunday- 4 negatives & 2 positives & 3 maybe's

globalization journal

wednesday: 2 positive, 3 negative

thursday: 8 positive, 4 negative

friday: 5 positive, 7 negative

saturday: 7 positive, 4 negative

sunday: 8 positive, 3 negative

11 encounters- 2 positive 9 negative

10 encounters- 4 positive 6 negative

13 encounters- 1 positive 12 negative

10 encounters- 1 positive 9 negative


Globalization Journal

Wednesday, September 19
-Pictures from vacation in Amsterdam-positive
-Sunglasses made in China-negative
-Middle East Map in global issues class-positive
-Pens made in China-negative
-Mercedes Benz made in Germany-positive
-Babysitting kids watching Ni Hao Kia Lan

Thursday, September 20
-Givenchy perfume made in France-positive
-NYC eyeliner made in China-negative
-Shirt made in Vietnam-negative
-Sweater made in China-negative
-Hair spray from Australia-positive
-Toyota made in Japan-positive
-H2O poster in global issues classroom-positive
-Talking about gardner project, where ideas are-positive
-Macbook made in China-negative
-Essie Nail polish made in China-negative
-Moms jacket made in Egypt-positive
-Purse made in China-negative
-Sweatshirt made in Macau-positive

Friday, September 21
-Wallet made in China-negative
-Shirt made in Vietnam-positive
-Lilly Pulitzer phone case made in China-negative
-Skirt made in US-positive
-Bare Minerals Makeup made in US-positive
-Blanket made in China-negative
-Sweatshirt made in Cambodia-positive
-Nail Polish made in US-positive
-Bag made in Mexico-positive
-Perfume made in New York-positive
-Coat made in Dominican Republic-positive
-Highlighter made in US-positive

Saturday, September 22
-Luca's book made in Malaysia-positive
-Dads Delta uniform made in US-positive
-Laptop case made in China-negative
-Shirt made in Vietnam-positive
-Bandana made in China-negative
-Skirt made in US-positive
-Dads shirt made in Hong Kong-positive
-Ikea from Sweden- positive
-Vacuum cleaner made in China-negative
-Purse made in India-positive
-Gina's converse made in China-negative
-Ate pizza-positive

Sunday, September 23
-Colored pencils made in Costa Rica-positive
-North face backpack made in Vietnam-positive
-Ralph Lauren purse made in India-positive
-Boston College sweatshirt made in Honduras-positive
-Gina's IHome made in China-negative
-Long Champ bag made in China-negative
-Eat at Qdoba, Mexico-positive
-Uggs made in Australia-positive
-Volvo made in Sweden-positive
-NightGuard made in US-positive
-Home phone made in China-negative
-Hello Kitty items made in China-negative
-Jewelry box made in US-positive
-Dove soap made in Philippines-positive

dylan wolniewicz

10 encounters 7 positive 3 negative

10 encounters 5 positive 5 negative

10 encounters 4positive 6 negative

10 encounters 2 positive 8 negative

11 encounters 6 positive 5 negative
september 19, 2012: 12 encounters

3 pros
9 cons

September 20, 2012: 16 encounters

4 pros
12 cons

September 21, 2012: 9 encounters

2 pros
7 cons

September 22, 2012: 17 encounters

6 pros
11 cons

September 23, 2012: 11 encounters

6 pros
5 cons

Examples of Globalization


  • Sweater - China
  • Shorts - Haiti & Dominican Republic
  • Converse shoes - China 
  • Notebook - China
  • Saab - Sweden
  • Chinese Food
  • Shirt - Vietnam 
  • Jeans - China 
  • Backpack - China
  • Blanket - China 
  • Pillow Pet - China
  • Nail polish - USA 
  • Headphones - China
  • Shirt - Philippines
  • Shorts - Haiti
  • Paint - India
  • Audi - Germany
  • Bracelet - Peru
  • Purse - France
  • Went to Italian Bakery in North End
  • Shirt - China
  • Pants - China
  • Ate Sushi
  • Bubble Tea
  • Wallet - China
  • Shirt - China
  • Pants - China 
  • Toms - China
  • Ate pizza - Italy
  • Necklace - China
  • Chapstick - France
  • Donated 1$ at Panera for helping hunger in Africa
  • Got asked directions from a French person

globilization journal

wensday 9/19
4 positive
5 negative
thursday 9/20
5 positive
7 negative
friday 9/21 
7 positive
5 negative
saturday 9/22
3 positive
10 negative
sunday 9/23
5 positive
7 negative

the notice of products made in other countries

calculator china
 talked to Aussie
 english quiz on britain
pants made in taiwan
 shirt china
etnies shoes china
hung out with my asian gf
soccer ball china
 ate  pizza italy
 watched snowboard video in south america
nike cleats china
soccer bag china

calculator china
soccer ball china
nike cleats china
soccer bag china
pen china 
pillow china 
fan china 
bike taiwan
cup canada
chair malaysia 

calculator china
etnies shoes china
 shirt china
soccer ball china
laptop china 
nike cleats china
soccer bag china 
volvo sweden 
longboard taiwan 
light china

calculator china 
etnies shoes china 
volvo sweden
tv taiwan 
light china 
paint taiwan 
watch china 
socks china 
rug china 
phone taiwan

etnies shoes china
volvo sweden
paint taiwan
socks china 
phone taiwan 
rug china
pillow china 
longboard taiwan 
chair malaysia
saying goodbye to aussies

Globalization Everywhere

Brittany Collens
Globalization List

- Clothes Nicaragua/ China
- Tennis shoes made from Nike
- Recycling Bins to help Global Warming
- Donating old books at the library for third world education
- Art from Spain in my aunts house
- Pencils and Paper being used to cut down trees/ environment
- Troops in war on news
- adopt a highway and care for our environment signs
- trading my sandwich for my brothers sandwich (questionable)
- blood drive at the MAC for troops
- culture dinner night from the NMSU tennis team (bring a traditional dish to dinner)
- talking to my friends over Facebook from different countries
- hosting a tennis player from Colombia
- speaking spanish with my tennis coaches
- learning about Britain in English and how our language evolved
- iPhone using iMessage to text my dad in germany
- my dad moving to california for his new government job
- donating my old clothes to kids who don't have clothes
- shopping for halloween because its a cultural holiday
- eating an apple thats locally
- watching the news and the global issues
- my Tio coming to America to buy stuff then go back to spain because its cheaper here
- my car is ford and wasn't made in the US
- my friends house needing donations due to earthquake and cali
- tomatoes imported from Brazil
- brothers dell broke down and sat on the phone with a guy from India
- camera manufactured in china
- Computers being hacked because of Chinese mind did once
- googling 9/11/2001 for english class and coming across the monument of the Twin Towers
- Going to the hospitals and donating money for cancer research
- eating dunkin donuts which is EVERYWHERE
- eating Mickey D's again EVERYWHERE

globalization tally

41 in total
pro 18
con 23

positive and negative aspects of globalization

Positive:                                                                                  Negative:
Wednesday 9/19/12                                                    binders are made in china
Snow boots are made in Canada                                 Ireland football shirt is made in hatti
Nintendo Wii is made in Japan                                    old navy loose pants made in India
New balance shoes are made America                       backpack is made in Vietnam
Movie about Schmidt is made America                       north face sweater made in Vietnam
Sanyo TV is made in Canada                                       casio time watch is made in china
Microsoft computer is made in china                          Lunchbox is made is china

Thursday 9/20/12
 Play station 2 is made in china                                    Ron Burgundy shirt is made in Guatemala 
 Sylvania TV is made in Malaysia                                  Brown old navy pants made in Bangladesh
 Spaghetti is made in Italy                                             Batman Arkham city calendar made in Korea
 Tooth brushes are made in Canada                              Pencils are made in china
                                                                                        Folders are made in china
                                                                                        Calculators are made in china
Friday 9/21/12
Towels are made in America                                   Batman Arkham city shirt is made in Mexico
Cross word puzzles are made in America                Tan cargo pants are made in Srilanka
Dental floss is made in America                              Tooth paste is made in Mexico
Light lamps are made in china                                 Candy corn is made in Mexico
Juice blenders are made in America
Crip N’ Tie trash bags are made in America

Saturday 9/22/12
Paper towels are made in Canada                             folding stools are made in Malaysia
Nissan is made in Japan                                             golfing shoes are made in China
Shampoo is made in Canada                                      running shorts are made in the Philippines
Alarm clock is made in China                                     Socks are made in Vietnam
Filler paper is made in America                                  coca cola shirt is made in Mexico

Sunday 9/23/12
Hair comb is made in America                                      Coin jar is made in china
Nintendo 64 is made in Japan                                       Golf gloves are made in Thailand
Smarties candy is made in Canada                               torques old navy shirt is made in Pakistan
Sun rich soymilk is made in America                             khakis old navy pants are made in Pakistan
Game boy advanced is made in china                           Frisbee is made in china

 All this is one big part of globalization. The positive items in the countries is where the workers are treated and paid good, while the negative items in the countries are made by people who get treated poorly and get paid little to nothing in some sweat shops.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Globalization is the act of Globalizing. Differently stated; extending to other or all parts of the world. The development of the world by integrating and coming together as a world.

Definition of Globilization

Globilization is a process of interaction and integration amoung the people, companies, and government of different nations, a process driven by inernational trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process effects on the enviornment, and culture, and political systems, and economic development and prosperityand on human physical well-being in societies around the world