Thursday, October 11, 2012


      I don't believe that there is a more important human securities. All 7 Securities are extremely important for survival or else they wouldn't be a security. However if I had to choose in my opinion which human security would impact us the most without having it I would have to say food and including water. Personal security is important because we need to feel safe and comfortable. That doesn't mean that everyone in this world does feel safe and comfortable and some are dying because of it and some aren't. Environmental is also important because it;s what we live in but some people unfortunately live in an unsafe and unhealthy and environment. Some may die because of this and others will survive; However one can not survive with out eating food or whatever in their lifetime.
it's essential for the body to have food to carry on and to be hydrated from whiter.  Without it the other securities wouldn't matter because everyone would be dead from starvation and dehydration. One of the most leading fundraising topics in the country and world are food drives and food stamps etc. To provide those who don't have an easy access to food to keep them selves healthy. People can survive being poor and other things as well but no one is powerful enough to live with out this human security.

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