Friday, September 16, 2011

Palestine's bid for Independance

Palestine's bid for independance, in my opinion, is comparable to colonial America's predicament in gaining independance from Great Britain. Palestine is a small part of Israel that is being pushing around and harassed by Israel (a bigger state, comparable to Great Britain in colonial times). They are currently making a bid to be inducted into the United Nations so they can benefit from advantages that soverign states recieve, such as treaty organizations and allies. U.S. diplomats were sent to Paletsine and urged the preisent to reconsider a bid for statehood. The situation in the Middle East is volatile and the result of this current struggle will easily change the whole political climate of the Middle East.


  1. I am very impressed with the connection you made to colonial America. The only thing is this situation is a bit more complicated that that.

  2. I also like the connection to colonial America and feel that Palestine must prove themselves worthy of obtaining statehood first

  3. I enjoyed your parallels on colonial independence, however it is a bit flawed due to the fact that America wasn't taken over by England, but was founded by English colonists.


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