Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Foreign Aid

Since late October, the world's population growth has no longer been a problem, it's been a crisis. It seems as though our recourses are dwindling while the person count continues to increase. So should the United States government give foreign aid to help? Yes. Should it be conditional? Yes. I believe that the United States has an obligation to educate foreign nations on the crisis we are facing today. I think it's our duty to make sure people all over the world are aware of the consequences we will face if population continues to grow at the rate it's growing. It's our duty to make sure people all over the world are aware that there isn't enough food or resources to feed a family of 12. Educating people on celibacy, contraceptives, and population reduction would be beneficial for all. Of course, the aid has to be conditional. We can't tell the entire world not to have sex, and we can't expect that the whole world will only have 1 - 2 children, but there is something to be said.

Aid for Population Growth

No. The last thing America needs to worry about right now is the population crisis. I, being an optimist in this crisis, believe that like humans have done for thousands of years, we will prevail. I believe that currently America has its own problems to worry about with the economy, the situation in the Middle East, and the environment. If the American government sent in large amounts of money to all countries throughout the world it would be incredibly costly. It is also very unrealistic with Obama nearing the end of his term. If he were to pull a stunt like this, the taxpayers who would pay to help for this "crisis" would certainly lessen their approval towards him. However, I do not believe that this crisis should be sweeped under the rug. Just because the United States shouldn't give foreign aid, doesn't mean other countries should follow our lead. This should be a topic for the United Nations to figure out, the burden should not be placed on America and its taxpayers.

Monday, November 28, 2011

U.S. and the Population Crisis

Uncontrolled population growth is the cause many problems around the world. Traffic jams, disease, famine, and poverty all start with overpopulation. The U.S, as a developed country, has a somewhat controlled growth rate and there needs to accept the responsibility of helping less developed, third-world countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia, or India. In India for example, actions have been made by the government in order to limit the growth rate, however, no improvements have occurred and India is on schedule to become the most populous nation in the world. It is up to the U.S. to bring aid to places like India because they won’t be able to do it on their own. If they don’t do anything then the world population will continue to increase and because of globalization it will bring negative effects to the rest of the globe. I don’t believe there should be any conditions to the help of the U.S. because slowing the population crisis is ultimately the more important in the long run.

Foreign aid?

I think the United States should give foreign aid to reduce population growth. The world’s population is growing rapidly and there is not too much we can do about it. One of the few things we can do is provide other less developed countries with foreign aid. The United States has good working conditions, good government (for the most part), and good living conditions, which is inviting for people that are not as well off, to come to the United States. If we gave foreign aid to other countries we would be helping them stay where they are and help their living conditions get better. If all of the numbers that have been predicted for the population in 2050 the whole world will be affected, although the U.S. is not necessarily part of the problem. We should help the countries that are overpopulated so in the long run we are hopefully not affected.

Should the U.S give foreign aid?

Do I believe the U.S. should give foreign aid, yes. Do I think they should start right now, no. I believe this not because the U.S isn’t capable, not because we are involved in multiple global conflicts, and not even because of our suffering economy. I believe we should wait because to achieve the goal that this idea of financing the poor nations to balance the population has set, we need all the developed countries to get involved. This is not a problem the U.S can solve on its own. France, Britain, Chine, Russia, and other well of countries need to unite with the U.S and solve this problem together. If the U.S were to start donating right now, it would have a positive impact, but not nearly as much as if we waited and unified through the UN and attacked this problem together. Only then can we hope to truly make a difference and establish a balanced population.

United States Stance on Population

In my opinion the United States should give foreign aid to other countries in order to reduce population. The fact of the matter is that population growth is mainly occurring in developing nations, rather than prosperous nations such as Europe. These third world countries are pumping out more and more babies every year, and less and less people are dying in the developed nations. Thus, we have a large amount of population growth. If population growth is going to get to the point it's supposed to get, it will effect the entire world, not just the countries that are experiencing rapid growth. This means, in order for the United States to "save" themselves, they have to support the countries that are causing the problem. Along with this, Americans consume more than any other country in the world, so we kind of owe it to these countries to help them out. The United States Congress should work on developing clear rules and regulations regarding population growth so they can begin providing aid to all these other countries.

U.S. gives help?

Yes, I think the U.S. government should give foreign aid to reduce the world population growth. If the U.S. government gives aid in foreign countries people from those countries will stop coming to the U.S. for better life conditions. As we all know, people from lower class countries come to the U.S. for better lives. Here we have better working conditions, living conditions, human rights, freedom of speech and religion. The U.S. giving aid is going to help the living and working conditions which is a good start. When you make a country better it will make the people want to stay there or even people from the U.S. go and live there. If we made all of the foreign countries as developed and well rounded as us, more people would want to live there. Women in foreign countries don’t have the knowledge of birth control and sexism. If we give aid we could help these people understand which will decrease or slow down population.

How the U.S. can help save the world

We, as a human race, are facing a growing population crisis. With worldwide populations growing exponentially, something has to be done. The U.S. can, and should, make efforts to start curbing population growth. First, all Americans should be educated on this issue and urged to consider having less children. The same should be done in all established, developed countries. However, aiding developing countries in this matter will be trickier. In these countries, the people's very way of life only adds to the world's population: mothers are urged to have as many children as possible, as more of them will die before reaching adulthood than children in developed countries. This is due to poor medical care, little to no education on contraceptives/population growth, and a much larger percentage of people living in poverty with no way to escape. To aid these countries, the U.S. must set the precedant in removing oppressive governments and pumping money into health services, so less children are expected and citizens may live happier lives, and have the chance to "work" thier way out of abject poverty. It will take decades, but if these changes are enacted soon, we will see most countries possessing roughly equal wealth.

Should U.S help other countries with population growth?? Conditions?

The United States is among the 5 top best nations in the world. The problem in the world today is that the population is growing to fast and we need to figure out something fast. Since the United States doesn't need help as much as other countries we should help as many ways as possible. We could be helping a lot of countries by educating them about the population problems and telling them what they could do to help.

Educating other countries would be a great idea but the problem is that a lot of countries that have problems are usually countries that don't want us there. This is one of the conditions we have to face and in order to do so we would have to reach an agreement with this countries in order to help the world. Everyone in the world need to understand that this will become a major problem in thirty-ish years.