Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Aid for Population Growth

No. The last thing America needs to worry about right now is the population crisis. I, being an optimist in this crisis, believe that like humans have done for thousands of years, we will prevail. I believe that currently America has its own problems to worry about with the economy, the situation in the Middle East, and the environment. If the American government sent in large amounts of money to all countries throughout the world it would be incredibly costly. It is also very unrealistic with Obama nearing the end of his term. If he were to pull a stunt like this, the taxpayers who would pay to help for this "crisis" would certainly lessen their approval towards him. However, I do not believe that this crisis should be sweeped under the rug. Just because the United States shouldn't give foreign aid, doesn't mean other countries should follow our lead. This should be a topic for the United Nations to figure out, the burden should not be placed on America and its taxpayers.


  1. I totally agree with you. Why would we just not be abel to do anything about it? we have been suviving all these years and people always told us we wouldn't.

  2. So when i first thought about the question i completely agreed with what you've said. Then i realized that foreign aid doesn't necessarily mean money. I took it in the sense that foreign aid meant education. I agree that this "crisis" shouldn't be swept under the rug..so i believe that foreign aid, such as education, should be given.


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