Monday, November 28, 2011

United States Stance on Population

In my opinion the United States should give foreign aid to other countries in order to reduce population. The fact of the matter is that population growth is mainly occurring in developing nations, rather than prosperous nations such as Europe. These third world countries are pumping out more and more babies every year, and less and less people are dying in the developed nations. Thus, we have a large amount of population growth. If population growth is going to get to the point it's supposed to get, it will effect the entire world, not just the countries that are experiencing rapid growth. This means, in order for the United States to "save" themselves, they have to support the countries that are causing the problem. Along with this, Americans consume more than any other country in the world, so we kind of owe it to these countries to help them out. The United States Congress should work on developing clear rules and regulations regarding population growth so they can begin providing aid to all these other countries.


  1. I don't really know what I'm supposed to comment, but I agree with you. It was a good point that you brought up how we consume the most so we owe it to the countries to help them out.

  2. Noah, I'd like to point out how long and tedious of a process it would for congress to decide how we should provide aid to less developed countries. With they way they have been operating lately it would take them years to agree what color the White-house is, let alone stop the population crisis.


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