Monday, November 28, 2011

U.S. gives help?

Yes, I think the U.S. government should give foreign aid to reduce the world population growth. If the U.S. government gives aid in foreign countries people from those countries will stop coming to the U.S. for better life conditions. As we all know, people from lower class countries come to the U.S. for better lives. Here we have better working conditions, living conditions, human rights, freedom of speech and religion. The U.S. giving aid is going to help the living and working conditions which is a good start. When you make a country better it will make the people want to stay there or even people from the U.S. go and live there. If we made all of the foreign countries as developed and well rounded as us, more people would want to live there. Women in foreign countries don’t have the knowledge of birth control and sexism. If we give aid we could help these people understand which will decrease or slow down population.


  1. Just wanted to point out quickly that the U.S. isn't really financially capable of making "every country like us". We should build them a foundation yes, but it's up to them ultimately. We're in enough debt as it is.

  2. I agree with you too. If we build a foundation for other countries they hopefully won't migrate to the United States anymore.

  3. Yes this all sounds good but the problem is the U.S cant really make an impact on its own all the established nations need to work together


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