Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What should the U.S. do?

The situation that the United States is in involving Palestine and the United Nations is tough and consequential. Whether Obama decides to continue on with vetoing Palestine's application into the United Nations or accept it, either way, there are potentially serious consequences. There is a chance that Obamas decision could start a World War III. I believe that Obama should stop worrying about getting reelected and start doing what is right for the country and what is fair for Palestine. The War on Terror has increased and in my opinion, if Obama were to veto their application then the United States should at least declare their intention to revive the peace process between them and the Middle East. Along with the peace process they should introduce a plan for economic progress in the Arab world in order to decrease the likely hood of a revolt against whichever decision they decide to make.


  1. I think your suggestions would work really well but even if Obama chooses to veto it and decided to work on the two states peace process, Palestine would still be angry that they weren't admitted to the U.N. no matter what.

  2. Ryan, I completely agree with you. Obama is too worried about the upcoming election. There are times when you have to put it all on the line, and I believe this in one of them. I also agree that if we veto Palestine's application, terrorism will become even more of a problem. This could cause a war of it's own. The consequences are too great to veto Palestine's application.


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