Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich

I agree with Warren E. Buffett when he says to stop coddling the super-rich. Especially in these troubling times with the nations debt at around $14 trillion the idea of shared sacrifice needs to be taken seriously and used properly. This is a very brave move by Buffett publishing this article will certainly cause some unrest in the upper class. It also says a lot about his character when he is saying that he needs to be taxed more because not many people would complain about being taxed less. He states his case very well not attacking anyone but simply stating the facts in a well-organized manor that gets his point across. I especially like how in the end he gives a possible solution rather then just complain about the issue. That was my favorite part because that is what this nation needs, solutions not more people bringing up an issue over and over. I also liked how he used specific examples and statistics rather then vague references.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Stephan. I think it's nice how an extremely wealthy person like him is finally stepping up to the plate and wants to change things for the better.


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