Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What the U.S should do

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for years now and will continue to go on unless something happens in the near future. It seems as though the chances are slim for America voting towards Palestine becoming its own territory since we're allies with Israel. Palestinians and other Arab states feel aggression towards us already because they feel like we are trying to help Israel and Israel only. If it were up to me, the United States would help Palestine in deciding that they should become a member of the United Nations because of the brutality and intense conflict occurring between the two territories. The President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas just wants the world to recognize a Palestinian state at the General Assembly and he wants support from other leaders. In 2010, Obama said that he hoped the Palestinian state could and would be admitted into the United Nations. It's possible that views and opinions have changed since then, and since we are allies with Palestine's "enemies" (Israel) there is a lot for Obama to take into account.

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