Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Should The U.S Do?

Should the United States take a side with Palestine and help it get into the United Nations and become a sovereign? Before I answer that you have to look at the whole situation and then the possible outcomes. Israel and Palestine have been fighting for a very long time over who gets certain borders/water rights and Jerusalem. To simply say yes for Palestine would be great, but since there are deeper issues within the other issue of wether or not they can become a sovereign and a part of the U.N, you can't do so. A huge problem I think President Obama is facing is the possible outcome of saying yes. If he says yes, Palestine will get to be a sovereign, which is great, but that will also mean that Israel will be even MORE hostile towards Palestine, and even the United States. If Palestine and Israel are fighting now, what do you think will happen if the President says yes?

Of course I think that Palestine should have the right to be a sovereign and be a part of the U.N, it is morally the right thing to do. However, logically from my point of view, it isn't considering what can happen. Over all I have to say no. Israel isn't ready or able to handle the fact that Palestine just wants to be a sovereign, part of the U.N, and gain some land, and most likely start bombing and attacking them and possibly the U.S. If that wasn't a concern then I would say yes.


  1. I agree with some of this post. Obama is worried that he wont be re-elected but that shouldnt be his main concern, he needs to do whats right and let them become a nation in the UN with representation, but they should be an observer nation before they can vote on issues.

  2. I'm glad you also think this. They could easily attack Israel and we would step in which could cause a huge war, which we really don't need right now.

  3. I like how you took into account that this has been a raging issue for decades, and it will continue to be one despite the U.N.'s decision on Palestine's statehood. It is quite a dicy situation and I think thorough peace talks must be undergone before any progress can be made.

  4. Your artical is well written and you bring up valid points, however, have you taken into acount the negative reprecusions if Obama says no. Where Palestine stands now, deplomacy has been tried for hiundreds of years, something has to change in order for there to be a different outcome.


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