It’s tough to stay black and white on inviting Palestine to join the United Nations in my opinion. On one hand, having Palestine in those U.N. meetings would cause a lot of arguing but in order to make a proper decision in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict they need to be included in the conferences. By excluding Palestine, only more violence will erupt in the Middle East. I am sure that several other countries are for letting Palestine join as well to make negotiations.
I know that if the United States and Israel have very close bonds that lead back to World War II, but by taking their side and providing military aid for fighting terrorism with terrorism this conflict will only escalate. Even though the Jewish community have suffered greatly in World War II but the fact that there was so much fighting for making “equal” reparations for Israel that some force should step in and advise them to meet more demands in order to grow peace.
You have some very nice points my friend. I agree with pretty much everything you said. It's interesting how this entire conflict spawned from Israel wanting the Holy Land as well as a "safe" area for the Jewish people. They wanted protection, but they took it without asking.